From biotherapies to bioformulas
Dr. Garber’s® bioformulas™, derived from the three homeopathic biotherapies—Gemmotherapy, Lithotherapy and Organotherapy—provide relief for people and animals all along the pain and illness spectrum. Whether it’s a condition that’s temporary or something more chronic, these bioformulas have been designed to restore and realign what’s out of balance. They are effective when taken alone or when taken with other supplements, remedies, drugs, or modalities, and they do not interfere with other protocols.
Whether you’re interested in the bioformulas for your own health, or you’re a healthcare practitioner—a Naturopath, Chiropractor, Homeopath, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, or a Medical Doctor—consider the benefits of adding Dr. Garber’s remedies to your apothecary. The bioformulas do not antidote any homeopathic remedies or other medications (be it nutraceutical, supplements, pharmaceutical or herbs). And most significantly: they have no known contraindications or side effects. There are no artificial ingredients in Dr. Garber’s bioformulas, and all of the source remedies are derived from wild-harvested, organically certified plant extracts, mineral-containing rocks and glandular tissues.

Dr. Garber’s biotherapy-based bioformulas
Currently, there are 12 bioformulas for people and 7 for animals (shown below). The bioformulas are all made from the three kinds of homeopathic biotherapies, which are:

Gemmotherapy: These certified Organic extracts stimulate the body’s immune system to function better and are derived from plant stem cells (like human stem cells only from plants). They are extracts of a plant’s embryonic tissue—the buds, seeds, shoots, rootlets, or other still-growing parts of a tree or plant. This raw material is harvested at the peak time of the plant or tree’s germination process, and this is what makes Gemmotherapy unique (and what distinguishes it from herbal extracts): most of the active constituents in the new-growth parts of plants are only there during that early stage and disappear once the plant has matured.
Most of the active constituents in the new-growth parts of plants are only there during that early stage and disappear once the plant has matured.
These Gemmotherapies, of which Dr. Garber uses as many as 30 different kinds, have so many wonderful, medicinal applications: Gemmotherapies support the functioning of all the organs in our bodies, they detoxify what is in our system, they stimulate our bodies to produce new and healthier generations of cells, and they have an affinity for specific areas of the body.

Lithotherapy: These mineral-rich rocks are triturated (pulverized down into a fine powder) and homeopathically potentized (bioenergetically enhanced) and then blended into a 15% alcohol and water solution. This liquid solution allows for immediate absorption by the body’s cells, where the minerals act as catalysts for enzyme reactions to drive the energy of cells. And while conventional homeopathic mineral remedies are made from individual minerals, the Lithotherapies in Dr. Garber’s bioformulas are made from the entire rock from which they are sourced, and so contain multiple synergistic minerals.
Lithotherapies in Dr. Garber’s bioformulas are made from the entire rock from which they are sourced, and so contain multiple synergistic minerals.

Organotherapy: These are homeopathically prepared healthy organ or glandular tissue extracts. These tissues come from humanely raised cows and sheep. These extracts activate the immune system and restore normal bodily functions. Although the tissues used are not certified Kosher or Halal (nor do they qualify as vegan), they are permissible for observant Jews and Muslims. The key to Organotherapies is that they help regulate and rebalance our systems and support the functions of a particular organ or gland. Kosher and Halal documentation
The homeopathic roots of the three biotherapies
The foundation for all of Dr. Garber’s bioformulas comes from homeopathy and its three biotherapies: Gemmotherapy, Lithotherapy and Organotherapy. These three therapeutics have been a part of homeopathy, going back to the mid 20th century. (In fact, the use of homeopathically prepared organ and glandular tissue dates back to 1836, a time when all homeopaths were medical doctors, it was mostly these medical practitioners who were using Organotherapy.)

And biotherapies within the integrative health community—which includes not only Homeopaths but Chiropractors, Doctors of Oriental Medicine, practitioners of integrative, functional and alternative medicine, Nutritionists, Herbalists, and others outside of the so-called allopathic medical world—have long adhered to the tenets as set down by the founder of homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, almost 200 years ago.
According to Dr. Hahnemann, one should only prescribe one remedy for each disease—or, as Dr. Hahnemann called it, a “dis-ease.” However, what he also recognized was that sometimes more than one “dis-ease,” can exist in the body at one time. After Dr. Garber heard Dr. Trevor Cook’s lecture on biotherapies (during Dr. Garber’s 1995 PhD studies with the Hahnemann College of Homeopathy), he had an epiphany of sorts. He’d already pored through Dr. Hahnemann’s two bibles of homeopathy, The Organon of the Art of Healing and the Materia Medica Pura. But Dr. Cook’s talk about biotherapies came as a revelation.
Biotherapies were still relatively new at the time, and, per Dr. Hahnemann’s philosophy, most homeopaths addressed each “dis-ease” with just one remedy. But Dr. Garber realized that it would not go against either the tenets of homeopathy or against Dr. Hahnemann’s own recommendations if one were to combine biotherapies as a treatment for one or two—or more—diseases occurring in the body at the same time.
Putting it all together
In classical homeopathy, then, practitioners would prescribe one remedy at a time—separately—for one “dis-ease” or condition. But Dr. Garber’s bioformulas are intended to work on different levels simultaneously. This is their great strength.
So, when Dr. Garber combined the biotherapies of Gemmotherapy with both Lithotherapy and Organotherapy, their efficacy became that much more dramatic and powerful. When blended together, as a bioformula, these biotherapies address multiple body functions needed for effective healing—simultaneously.
This is where these bioformulas differ from other remedies—whether homeopathic, allopathic or nutraceutical.
Redefining biotherapies
Critical facts to keep in mind. First, what is biotherapy.
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, biotherapy is the “treatment of disease with products produced by living organisms (such as vaccines, antisera, toxoids or antigens).” And biotherapies “use cells, living (bio) organisms, components of living organisms, substances derived from organisms, or laboratory-made versions of those substances to improve health, treat illness or disease.”
Practitioners have used homeopathic biotherapies since their emergence in the mid-20th century, with the exception of Organotherapy. Also now known as Sarcodes, organotherapy remedies are prepared from healthy animal tissues and have been prescribed to patients for almost 200 years.
But until Dr. Garber’s bioformulas became available, no supplements had combined the three biotherapies. Some homeopaths have blended various Gemmotherapies, but no one had combined the three biotherapies into one.
A note on those other biotherapies
Chances are, if you Google “biotherapy” or “biotherapies,” the majority of what you’ll find are drugs and drug companies that now define this as being short for “biological therapy for cancer.” By “biological therapy,” most of these drug companies and organizations in the cancer community define this as something that “uses the body’s immune system to fight cancer”—and that it’s also now known as “immunotherapy, biological response modifier therapy, or biotherapy.” And according to the National Institutes of Health, “Biological therapy research focuses on isolating specific cells of the immune system and their chemical products, then manipulating them in the laboratory to target their activity and control their effects.”
Western allopathic medicine, Big Pharma, and the medical establishment have basically hijacked this term and now redefine biotherapies according to its chemical components and its use against cancer and other serious illnesses.
In contrast to these above definitions, Dr. Garber’s bioformulas are based in homeopathic biotherapies. They have nothing to do with biotherapy or biotherapies as now defined by the Western allopathic medical establishment.
What Dr. Garber’s bioformulas share with any effective medicine, however, is the rigor that goes into their creation and manufacture. These bioformulas required years of study and deliberation, training, experimentation, and finding not only the correct ingredients, but also required finding and teaming up with remedy suppliers and manufacturers of these ingredients who care as much as Dr. Garber does about sourcing and production.
All of Dr. Garber’s bioformulas are made with wild-harvested and certified organic plant-based extracts that serve as the source for the Gemmotherapy remedies; no plants have been exposed to pesticides, GMOs or synthetic fertilizers. Similarly, the Organotherapy remedies are made from tissues that are micro-extracted from humanely-raised farm animals who receive the highest standard of care, including free-range grazing, a species-appropriate diet and rigorous veterinary oversight. Lithotherapy uses mineral-rich rocks that are triturated (reduced to a fine powder), which is then homeopathically potentized (bioenergetically-enhanced) in a white-room environment.
The primary advantages of Dr. Garber’s bioformulas
- They are safe and effective for children, adults and animals
- They are not contraindicative with other supplements, herbs, nutraceuticals, or other homeopathic remedies
- They do not affect the action or efficacy of allopathic drugs
- They do not interfere with nutritional supplements, in fact, they actually enhance the body’s utilization of certain minerals
- The bioformulas have no known side effects
Dr. Garber’s bioformulas are made under the most careful and ethically-responsible conditions. In addition to the above benefits, every bioformula is made with certified organic Gemmotherapies and is also:
- GMO-free
- Gluten-free
- Dispensed and minimally-packaged in recyclable materials
- Certified according to the standards of the Good Manufacturing Practice as laid down by the World Health Organization and regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (in the U.S.) and Health Canada, all of which guarantee strict adherence to quality standards throughout the production process

Dr. Garber’s bioformulas are manufactured under his formulaic supervision at a highly respected homeopathic lab that produces supplement products for more than 20 countries. This laboratory isn’t just white-room compliant; it is conscientious—hygienically and spiritually, especially in the case of the Organotherapy extracts. And all the facilities where Dr. Garber’s bioformulas are made maintain exemplary standards of quality control, as governed by the FDA in the U.S. and Canada’s FDA equivalent, Health Canada.

The biotherapies used to make Dr. Garber’s bioformulas for animals are the same as those used for the human line—and adhere to the same rigorous standards. But their chemistry has been refined for the specific physiologies of canines and equines. Dr. Garber’s canine and equine bioformulas are just as safe and effective for dogs and horses as the human bioformulas are for people.