Dr. Garber’s bioformulas
Sleep Aid
Sleep Aid & Anxiety Relief
Some people can’t sleep because of anxiety, whether that’s situational, free-floating or chemically created. The synergistic benefits of taking Sleep Aid with Anxiety Relief can be profound. Dr. Garber often suggests taking Anxiety Relief during the day, then Sleep Aid before bed. Many times, when taken together this way, clients often regain healthy sleep patterns.
Active ingredients
Sleep Aid contains a proprietary blend of:
Lime Tree buds (Tilia tomentosa)
Fig Tree buds (Ficus carica)
English Hawthorn shoots (Crataegus oxyacantha)
Rhodonite (potentized)
Bulbinum extract (potentized)
Other ingredients: Glycerin, Purified Water, 15% alcohol USP
Suggested Use
Take a couple of droppers directly by mouth or in a small glass of water of Dr. Garber’s Sleep Aid bioformula right before your head hits the pillow. Leave the bottle on your bedside table. If you don’t fall asleep in a reasonable amount of time, say 10 or 15 minutes, take another dropper. Don’t turn on the light, just reach over and find the bottle by feel, take a squirt directly into your mouth and go back to sleep. That usually does the trick. If not, you can take another dose. You can’t take too much, so take as many doses as necessary. You’ll find you need less and less as you start sleeping better.
Other tricks that I recommend: 1) Don’t look to see what time it is when you wake up because then you start using your brain even more, calculating how long you have before you need to get up; 2) I tell myself repeatedly that there’s nothing I can do about (whatever it is you’re thinking about) until tomorrow. Once my mind gets it, that tape stops running; 3) If it’s something that you need to do the next day and you’re worried that you’ll forget, have a pad and pen on your nightstand and write it down. Then your brain will know you won’t forget about it.
If it applies to your particular situation, you may find that taking Dr. Garber’s Anxiety Relief and/or Mood Boost bioformulas during the day and Sleep Aid at night will produce and even better result. Any of Dr. Garber’s formulas may be taken together at the same time.
Storage Information
Keep at room temperature.
Does not have to be refrigerated.
Do not leave on or near sources of electromagnetic radiation such as TVs or computers.
Product Shelf Life: 5 years

Formula Origin
“Sleep Aid was the second bioformula I developed. Right after the success I’d had with my first bioformula, Thyro Support, a patient came in who I had been treating in the classical model of homeopathy. She was doing very well but suddenly started having trouble sleeping. While on this type of homeopathic treatment it’s important not to take anything that might interfere with the action of that remedy. This is why homeopathic patients often leave their practitioner’s office with a long list of “don’ts” and why I was comfortable adding biotherapies when appropriate, as they don’t interfere with the action of a constitutionally prescribed remedy. This patient was doing so well in every other aspect of her case that I didn’t want to change her remedy because of this new sleep issue, so I decided I would create a bioformula for her. I followed the same method I’d used to create my Thyro Support, choosing biotherapies that would address her sleep without affecting her homeopathic remedy. Her response was so positive that I quickly made up several more bottles to share with colleagues, so they could try it out on their patients.” – Dr. Garber, D.C., Ph.D.

Bioformula Ingredients
All of Dr. Garber’s bioformulas are made with certified Organic, Wild-Harvested, Non-GMO, and Gluten Free ingredients. The Gemmotherapy plant extracts are AB certified (grown using biodiversity-supportive agriculture practices) in the Occitanie region in the south of France – and certified Organic by EcoCert France.

Lime Tree buds (Tilia tomentosa)
This Gemmo has often been used as a sedative, and studies have shown that the tomentosa buds mimic the effects of GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid), the neurotransmitter in your brain that blocks nerve cells, and inhibits excitability and acts as an anxiolytic (a substance that reduces anxiety).

Fig Tree buds (Ficus carica)
These buds have a calming effect on nervousness that usually originates in the stomach, which is why figs have long been used to balance the digestive system. Here, though, the buds specifically help balance one’s nervous system and psyche, while also alleviating stress and helping with sleep.

English Hawthorn shoots (Crataegus oxyacantha)
These shoots have a sedative effect on the entire Central Nervous System, and they especially exert a regulatory action on the heart, normalizing one’s heart rate and rhythm. They have also been shown to improve blood circulation.

This Litho, also known as the “Stone of Compassion,” and whose rose-red color gives it its name (“rhodo” in Greek means “rose”), contains several minerals that promote parasympathetic activity (whereas the sympathetic nervous system controls the body's “fight or flight” response, the parasympathetic nervous system helps to control the body's response during times of rest). Rhodonite’s most important mineral, though, is its manganese, a key anti-inflammatory and one that’s often used alone to promote restful sleep, relieve anxiety, stabilize blood pressure, and promote calmness. (Manganese is also known as the “brain mineral,” because of its role in helping the memory.)

Bulbinum extract (potentized)
Bulbinum, taken from the brain’s medulla oblongata, which is the sleep center, exerts an inhibitory effect on the midbrain, meaning that it down-regulates mid-brain function where overstimulation inhibits sleep. (The midbrain plays a critical role in the sleep/wake cycle.)
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